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By: W. Bozep, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
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Osteo- graphic morphology to the biological behavior and patho- chondroma allergy symptoms for bee stings flonase 50 mcg otc, osteoma allergy treatment piscataway nj purchase flonase 50mcg free shipping, blastoma allergy nkda order flonase 50mcg amex, giant sarcoma, non ossifying osteoblastoma cell tumor, Ewing-sarcoma, bone fibroma, aneurysmal chondrosarcoma, fibrous dysplasia, bone cyst metastases ⊡ Table 4. Typical sites of tumors within the long bone infarct bones (malignant tumors are shown in red) Possibly follow- Scintigram, CT scan and/ Scintigram, Site Tumor up, no further CT scan, or MRI thorax-x-ray Epiphysis Chondroblastoma, clear cell chondro- steps possibly MRI or CT-scan of sarcoma the lungs, MRI, poss. CT-scan Metaphysis Osteochondroma, non-ossifying bone of tumor-site fibroma, juvenile bone cyst, osteoblas- toma, giant cell tumor (usually with epiphyseal involvement), aneurysmal Resection Biopsy Biopsy at bone cyst, osteosarcoma, chondrosar- institution, coma where further treatment is Diaphysis Fibrous dysplasia, osteofibrous dyspla- carried out sia, Ewing sarcoma, adamantinoma Secondarily in Osteochondroma, non-ossifying bone ⊡ Fig. Diagnostic-therapeutic algorithm based on the conven- diaphysis fibroma, juvenile bone cyst tional x-ray 588 4. Since their classification already provides the formation of new stabilizing bone (sclerosis, increased valuable information about the aggressive nature to be thickness). In the case of faster growth the bone does not expected, without any knowledge of the histology, it will have time to react with new bone formation, and osteolysis be described briefly below. If bone breakdown predominates, osteolysis results, whereas ex- Periosteal reactions cessive bone formation results in osteosclerosis. The turn- Tumors can produce widely differing periosteal reactions over processes differ depending on whether cancellous or (⊡ Table 4. But these are not visible on the x-ray until they 4 The above statements indicate that the site is very important for the appearance of the tumor on the x-ray. While the degree of loading influences the reaction to tu- mor growth, the appearance on the x-ray is most strongly affected by the rate of tumor growth. Destruction pattern in compact and cancellous bone according to Lodwick and Wilson The classification system involves three basic patterns of bone destruction: ▬ I: geographic (map-like), primarily involving the can- cellous bone, ▬ II: mixed forms (geographic and moth-eaten/perme- ative), ▬ III: moth-eaten lesion, in compact and cancellous bone, or permeative destruction in the compact bone only. Various grades are differentiated according to the reac- tion of the compact bone and the penetration of the cortex in each case (⊡ Table 4. Destruction pattern in bone on the x-ray according to Lod- of slow growth, the surrounding healthy bone reacts by wick. Radiological grading of bone tumors based on the reaction of the compact bone and the penetration of the cortex Type Destruction Contours Compact Sclerosis Growth Periosteal Typical examples (grade) bone reaction penetra- tion IA Geographic Sharply-defined No Yes Slow None Enchondroma, non-ossifying bone fibroma, osteoid osteoma IB Geographic Ragged, No, poss. Mostly yes Slow Solid Giant cell tumor, chondro- irregular partially blastoma, juvenile bone cyst, osteoblastoma, chondromyxoid fibroma, aneurysmal bone cyst IC Geographic Poorly-defined, Yes Possible Slow Solid Chondrosarcoma, aneurysmal reef-like bone cyst II Mixed geo- Poorly-defined Yes Mostly no Inter- Bowl-shaped Osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, graphic and mediate chondrosarcoma moth-eaten/ permeative III Moth-eaten/ Poorly-defined Yes Mostly no Fast Radial, on- Ewing sarcoma, osteosarcoma permeative ion-skin-like, complex 589 4 4. Types of periosteal reaction Periosteum Cortical bone Appearance Typical lesions Continuous Intact Solid Chronic osteomyelitis, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, osteoid osteoma, single lamella Chronic osteomyelitis, Langerhans cell histiocytosis onion skin, spicules (radial) Acute osteomyelitis, Ewing sarcoma, (osteosarcoma) Continuous Destroyed Single bowl Aneurysmal bone cyst, enchondroma, chondroblastoma, lobulated bowl Chondromyxoid fibroma, fibrous dysplasia, giant cell tumor ragged bowl Chondrosarcoma, plasmacytoma, metastases Interrupted Intact wedge-shaped Aneurysmal bone cyst, giant cell tumor, chondromyxoid fibroma Codman triangle, interrupted onion Aneurysmal bone cyst, osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, skin, radial chondrosarcoma Interrupted Destroyed Combinations of Codman triangle, Osteosarcoma interrupted onion skin, divergent rays ⊡ Fig. These are typical of enchondromas, osteochon- related (the older the patient the longer the process). Necrotic areas (bone in- morphology is determined by the aggressivity and dura- farcts) can calcify and ossify secondarily. The periosteal reaction formation of new bone that mineralizes can occur in can either be continuous or intermittent, with or without varying degrees in almost all lesions and may obscure cortical destruction. Matrix mineralization Bone scan and positron emission tomography (PET) Some tumors form a matrix, a cell-free intercellular The technetium 99 bone scan is a relatively non-specific 4 ground substance that mineralizes, i. Typical matrix-forming tumors are: and thus bone turnover activity, to be evaluated. Ac- ▬ osteoblastoma, osteoid osteoma , osteosarcoma (ma- tive processes show greatly increased uptake, whereas trix = bone ground substance or osteoid), older, »burnt-out« processes show little uptake. Particu- ▬ osteochondroma , enchondroma , chondromyxoid larly high levels of uptake are observed for bone-form- fibroma, chondrosarcoma, (matrix = cartilaginous ing tumors such as osteoid osteoma, osteoblastoma and ground substance), osteosarcoma. A case of osteomyelitis can be differentiated ▬ desmoplastic fibroma, fibrosarcoma (matrix = col- from a tumor (e. Ewing sarcoma) by adding gallium 67 lagen fibers), as a »tracer« or by means of antigranulocyte immunos- ▬ fibrous dysplasia (matrix = mixed: osteoid and col- cintigraphy.
Self-report includes any deliberate act to communicate pain to another person (Champion allergy urticaria cheap flonase 50mcg visa, Goodenough allergy symptoms nasal discharge buy cheap flonase 50 mcg online, von Baeyer treatment allergy to cats cheapest generic flonase uk, & Thomas, 1998). When peo- ple are asked for descriptions of pain severity, their accounts represent in- tegrated summations and often retrospective accounts of the complexities of their subjective experiences. Verbal communication and self-report are often described as representing the “gold standard” for understanding the subjective state of pain (Craig, 1992). Unquestionably, self-report can pro- vide a means for describing subjective experiences and it is methodologi- cally convenient, but it should only be used if it is recognized that pain is a complex experience not readily reduced to language, and with awareness of the possibilities for response biases, situational demand, and the risks of conscious distortion (e. Failure to recognize these limita- tions could mean that self-report was a form of “fool’s gold. SOCIAL INFLUENCES AND COMMUNICATION OF PAIN 97 The ideal would be to have well-validated systematic measures. It is now recognized that subtle variations in psychometric questionnaires for as- sessing any internal state can elicit very different responses. For example, Schwartz (1999) has shown that even minor changes in wording can affect the responses obtained. In an illustrative study (Schwartz, Knauper, Hip- pler, Noelle-Newman, & Clark, 1991), participants were asked to respond to a question about life success using two types of 11-point scales (i. The researchers found that 34% of the participants endorsed a value between +5 and 5 whereas only 13% endorsed the equiv- alent values (i. It is noteworthy that pain clinicians adopt self-report scales that vary widely with respect to the metric used (e. Thus, it is dif- ficult to compare pain levels reported by different patient populations. Ad- ditional factors such as content of adjacent scales and research affiliation of the researcher/clinician also affect responses to self-report scales (Schwartz, 1999; Strack, Schwartz, & Wanke, 1991). Chambers and colleagues have ob- served that self-report and proxy judgments of children’s pain using the very popular faces scales vary systematically as a function of whether the lower end of the scale is anchored by a neutral face or a smiling face. When a smiling face is used, children tend to endorse faces indicating more se- vere pain (Chambers, Giesbrecht, Craig, McGrath, & Finley, 1999; Chambers & Craig, 2001). Thus, estimates of children’s pain, and potentially the use of potent analgesics, is influenced by biases built into the scale. Greater effort should be devoted to developing accurate and useful self-report measures. Hadjistavropoulos and Craig (2002) observed that nonverbal expressions of pain that do not fall in the self-report category are likely to be less subject to distortion than verbal report because their relatively more automatic and reflexive nature reduces their depend- ence on conscious processes and executive cognitive mediation. Nonverbal pain expression includes facial reactions, paralinguistic vocalizations, body and limb movements, visible physiological activity (e. These manifestations of pain always play an important role in pain communication, but become most vital where self-report is unavailable (e. Facial expression is recognized as being particularly important, because it plays a crucial role in normal social interchanges and can convey a remark- able amount of information. Faces are extremely plastic, tend to change rap- idly, and can represent a dramatic range of states. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS; Ekman & Friesen, 1978) provides an atheoretical, anatomi- 98 HADJISTAVROPOULOS, CRAIG, FUCHS-LACELLE cally based system designed for thorough description of facial movements that create facial expressions.
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