Let savin arteria retinae cheap hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg with mastercard, wild celery root blood pressure fluctuation causes purchase cheap hydrochlorothiazide line, fennel blood pressure 150100 cheap hydrochlorothiazide express, parsley, lovage, and cat- mint be cooked in wine, and let this be drunk. Pound them and place them together in a plain pot on live coals, and let the woman sit upon a perforated seat, and let her receive the smoke through the lower members, and thus the menses will return. But for the woman who frequently makes applications of this kind, it is necessary that she anoint her vagina inside with cold unguents lest she becomes excessively heated. Let her drink strong wine if she has no pain in the head nor any nervous disorder nor any fever, because wine is harmful in any fever. Vel contigit quandoque propter nimiam sanguinis calefactionem ex colera redundante a felle, que facit sangui- nem ebullire adeo ut non possitf in uenis contineri, uel quia fleuma salsumg admisceturh sanguini et ipsum attenuat et a uenis facit prorumperei extra. Hiis de causis mulier discoloraturf et [vb] macrescit, et si diu durauerit, in ydropisim de facili conuertit,g epatis enim substantia infri- gidatur propterh subtractionem cibi per quam membra debent in suo calore naturali conseruari. Post purgatio- nem uerob apponenda sunt aliquac quedam constrictiua exterius et interius que constringant. Potet ergo aquam in qua cocta sintd cortex mali granati, psidia, rose, galle, nux muscata, folia quercus, bedegar, rubus,e agrimonia, plantago. Post cibum uel [ra] inter cibaria detur eis puluis lapidisf emathicis cum aqua pluuialig distemperatus ad potandum, uel puluis coralli et gummi, balaustie, seminis mirte, et portu- ¶a. Book on the Conditions of Women On Excessive Flux of the Menses [] Sometimes the menses abound beyond what is natural, which has hap- pened because the veins of the womb are wide and open, or because sometimes they break open and the blood flows in great quantity. And the flowing blood looks red and clear, because a lot of blood is generated from an abundance of food and drink; this blood, when it is not able to be contained within the ves- sels, erupts out. Or sometimes this has happened on account of the excessive heating of the blood caused by bile pouring out from the gall bladder, which makes the blood boil to such an extent that it is not able to be contained in the veins. Or [this has happened] because salty phlegm is mixed with the blood and thins it and makes it erupt out of the veins. Illnesses of this kind emerge on account of corrupt humors within, which corruption Nature refuses to sustain. Sometimes it has happened on account of ulcera- tion,12 from which death veryoften follows. From these conditions thewoman is discolored and she wastes away, and if it last for a long time, it easily changes into dropsy, for the substance of the liver is chilled on account of the subtrac- tion of food through which the organs ought to be preserved in their natural heat. Or sometimes it has happened on account of a defect of heat which is incapable of digesting the abundance of fluids and which is not strong enough to change it into humors in the customary fashion. If, therefore, the blood is the cause, let it be bled off from the hand or the arm where the blood is provoked upward. After the purgation, there ought to be applied some sort of constrictive both externally and internally. Let her drink, there- fore, water in which are cooked the bark of pomegranate, pomegranate skin, roses, oak apples, nutmeg, oak leaves, eglentine, bramble, agrimony, and great plantain. After eating or during meals, let there be given to them to drink powder of hematite stone mixed with rainwater, or a powder of coral and gum arabic, pomegranate, sweet gale ¶a. Bibat ptisanam de ordeo factam, primitus in quac coqua- tur radix plantaginis, et bulliat cum ptisana et melius erit. Postea fac emplastrum de stercoribusb auium uel cati cum an- xungia et superponatur uentri et renibus. Quandoquec paciuntur sincopin, et ita pulsus euanescit quod penitus non sen- ¶a. Book on the Conditions of Women seed, and purslane, Armenian bole, and powder of buck’s-horn plantain, great plantain, knotgrass, dragon’s blood,16 burnt elephant bones, and quince seed. Let her drink a decoction made from barley, in which great plan- tain root is first cooked, and boil it with the decoction and it will be even better.
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