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By: P. Muntasir, M.S., Ph.D.
Program Director, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine
The formed ele- Transportation ments medications quizlet order antabuse from india, which include cells and cell fragments treatment hyponatremia safe 500mg antabuse, fall into three categories symptoms juvenile diabetes antabuse 500 mg overnight delivery, as follows: ◗ Oxygen from inhaled air diffuses into the blood through thin membranes in the lungs and is carried by ◗ Erythrocytes (eh-RITH-ro-sites), from erythro, mean- the circulation to all body tissues. These materials enter the blood from the digestive ◗ Platelets, also called thrombocytes (THROM-bo-sites), system or are released into the blood from body reserves. Figure 13-2 shows all the cate- ney removes excess water, acid, electrolytes, and urea gories of formed elements in a blood smear, that is, a (a nitrogen-containing waste). The liver removes blood blood sample spread thinly over the surface of a glass pigments, hormones, and drugs, and the lungs elimi- slide, as viewed under a microscope. For ex- of functions, including the formation of bone (calcium and ample, the level of glucose, a simple sugar, is maintained at phosphorus), the production of certain hormones (such as a remarkably constant level of about one tenth of one per- iodine for the production of thyroid hormones), and the cent (0. The plasma proteins in- Other materials transported in plasma include vita- clude the following: mins, hormones, waste products, drugs, and dissolved gases, primarily oxygen and carbon dioxide. The ancestors of The remaining 1% of the plasma consists of nutrients, all the blood cells are called hematopoietic (blood-form- electrolytes, and other materials that must be transported. Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of the incomplete burning of fuels, such as gasoline and other petroleum products and coal, wood, and other car- Erythrocytes bon-containing materials. The need for constant blood cell re- the hormone erythropoietin (eh-rith-ro-POY-eh-tin) placement means that normal activity of the red bone (EPO), which is released from the kidney in response to marrow is absolutely essential to life. Erythrocytes are different from other cells in that the mature form found in the circulat- Leukocytes The leukocytes, or white blood cells ing blood lacks a nucleus (is anuclear) and also lacks most (WBCs, or white cells), are different from the erythro- of the other organelles commonly found in cells. Occurring at a concentration in the red cells to hemoglobin (he-mo-GLO-bin), a pro- of 5,000 to 10,000 per cubic millimeter of blood, leuko- tein that contains iron (see Box 13-1, Hemoglobin: Door cytes are outnumbered by red cells by about 700 to 1. Therefore, the blood that goes from the lungs to the tissues is a bright red because it carries a great supply of oxygen; in contrast, the blood that returns to the lungs is a much darker red because it has given up much of its oxygen to the tissues. THE BLOOD ✦ 267 Box 13-1 A Closer Look Hemoglobin: Door to Door Oxygen DeliveryHemoglobin: Door to Door Oxygen Delivery he hemoglobin molecule is a protein made of four chains Hemoglobin allows the blood to carry much more oxygen Tof amino acids (the globin pzmolecule), each of which than it could were the oxygen simply dissolved in the plasma. This protein in red blood cells consists of four etary protein and iron are still essential to maintain hemoglo- amino acid chains (globins), each with an oxygen-binding bin supplies. They are present in all basic dyes and show lavender granules white blood cells, but they are more easily stained and ◗ Eosinophils (e-o-SIN-o-fils) stain with acidic dyes more visible in some cells than in others. The relative per- (eosin is one) and have beadlike, bright pink granules centage of the different types of leukocytes is a valuable ◗ Basophils (BA-so-fils) stain with basic dyes and have clue in arriving at a medical diagnosis (Table 13-2). Because the nuclei of the Table 13•2 Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) neutrophils have various shapes, these RELATIVE cells are also called polymorphs (mean- PERCENTAGE ing “many forms”) or simply polys. CELL TYPE (ADULT) FUNCTION Other nicknames are segs, referring to 54%–62% Phagocytosis the segmented nucleus, and PMNs, an Granulocytes 1%–3% Allergic reactions; defense against abbreviation of polymorphonuclear neu- Neutrophils parasites Eosinophils trophils. Before reaching full maturity 1% Allergic reactions; inflammatory re- and becoming segmented, the nucleus of actions Basophils the neutrophil looks like a thick, curved 25%–38% Immunity (T cells and B cells) band (Fig. An increase in the Agranulocytes 3%–7% Phagocytosis number of these band cells (also called Lymphocytes Monocytes stab or staff cells) is a sign of infection and the active production of neutrophils. They squeeze be- tween the cells of the capillary walls and proceed by ameboid (ah-ME- boyd), or amebalike, motion to the area of infection where they engulf the invaders. When foreign organisms invade, the bone marrow and lymphoid tissue go into emergency production of A Mature neutrophil B Band cell white cells, and their number in- (immature neutrophil) creases enormously as a result. A mixture of dead and living THE BLOOD ✦ 269 Bacterium Leukocyte Lysosome Bacterium Vesicle Lysosome Blood Digestive products Erythrocyte Capillary wall Epithelial cell Residue A B Figure 13-6 Phagocytosis. Hemostasis (he-mo-STA-sis) is the process that prevents blood loss from the circulation when a blood vessel is Checkpoint 13-8 What are the types of granular leukocytes? Activated platelets be- tiny structures are not cells in them- selves but rather fragments constantly Platelets released from giant bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes (meg-ah-KAR- Erythrocytes e-o-sites) (Fig. Serum contains all the com- The many substances necessary for blood clotting, or co- ponents of blood plasma except the clotting factors, as ex- agulation, are normally inactive in the bloodstream.
In this instance 5 medications for hypertension 250mg antabuse with amex, the 13 Bedside Procedures 279 upper nondominant extremity should be “saved” as the access site for hemodialysis treatment wetlands antabuse 250mg with visa. Choose a distal vein (dorsum of the hand) so that if the vein is lost symptoms queasy stomach and headache buy antabuse 500mg otc, you can reposition the IV more proximally. Figure 13–12 demonstrates some common upper extremity Basilic Cephalic vein vein Basilic Cephalic vein vein Accessory cephalic vein Median cubital vein 13 Cephalic Basilic vein vein FIGURE 13–12 Principle veins of the arm used to place IV access and in venipuncture, the pattern can be highly variable. Also avoid the leg because the inci- dence of thrombophlebitis is high with IVs placed there. Use the techniques described in the sec- tion on venipuncture to help expose the vein (page 309). If a large-bore IV is to be used (16 or 14), local anesthesia (1idocaine injected with a 25-gauge needle) is helpful. Using the catheter-over- needle assembly (Intracath or Angiocath), either enter the vein directly or enter the skin alongside the vein first and then stick the vein along the side at about a 20-degree angle. Direct entry and side entry IV techniques are illustrated in Figures 13–13 and 13–14. Once the vein is punctured, blood should appear in the “flash chamber” of a catheter-over- needle assembly. Advance a few more millimeters to be sure thatboththe needleandthe tip of the catheter have entered the vein. Never withdraw the catheter over the needle be- cause this procedure can shear off the plastic tip and cause a catheter embolus. Blood loss can be minimized by compressing the vein with the thumb just proximal to the catheter. With the IV fluid running, observe the site for signs of induration or swelling that indi- cate improper placement or damage to the vein. Tape the IV securely in place, apply a drop of povidone–iodine or antibiotic ointment and sterile dressing. Ideally, the dressing should be changed every 24–48 h to help re- duce infections. It is very useful in infants, who often have poor peripheral veins but prominent scalp veins, children, and in adults who have small, fragile veins. Troubleshooting difficult IV placement 13 • If the veins are deep and difficult to locate, a small 3–5-mL syringe can be mounted on the catheter assembly. If blood specimens are needed on a patient who also needs an IV, this technique can be used to start the IV and to collect samples at the same time. Spend about 1 min using both hands to “milk” blood from the arm toward the forearm. While holding the arm compressed with both hands, place a tourniquet above the elbow. LUMBAR PUNCTURE Indications • Diagnostic purposes:Analysis of CSF for conditions such as meningitis, encephali- tis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, staging work-up for lymphoma, others • Measurement of CSF pressure or its changes with various maneuvers (Valsalva, etc) • Injection of various agents: Contrast media for myelography, antitumor drugs, analgesics, antibiotics 13 Bedside Procedures 281 Angiocath Vein Vein Needle 13 Catheter Needle Catheter Vein FIGURE 13–13 To insert a catheter-over-needle assembly into a vein, stabilize the skin and vein with gentle traction. Specifi- cally, during an LP the fluid is obtained from the lumbar cistern, the volume of CSF lo- cated between the termination of the spinal cord (the conus medullaris) and the termination of the dura mater at the coccygeal ligament. Located within the cistern are the filum terminale and the nerve roots of the cauda equina. When an LP is done, the main body of the spinal cord is avoided and the nerve roots of the cauda are simply pushed out of the way by the needle. The termination of the spinal cord in the adult is usually between L1 and L2, and in the pediatric patient between L2 and L3. The safest site for an LP is the interspace between L4 13 Bedside Procedures 283 and L5. An imaginary line drawn between the iliac crests (the supracristal plane) intersects the spine at either the L4 spinous process or the L4–L5 interspace.
Pharmacological Actions In addition symptoms 10 dpo cheap antabuse master card, benzodiazepine administration is associ- ated with few side effects medicine hat lodge buy antabuse. Although it is widely claimed that the benzodiazepine drugs have a specific calming or anxiolytic effect medications dispensed in original container buy 500 mg antabuse visa, their Clinical Uses most prominent and easily quantifiable action is central Anxiety nervous system depression. In very low therapeutic doses, this depression manifests as relief of anxiety that Anxiety disorders are among the most common forms is often accompanied by a feeling of sluggishness or of psychiatric illness. As the dose is increased, the degree of de- psychiatric disease and such medical illnesses as angina pression is intensified such that muscle relaxation, hyp- pectoris, gastrointestinal disorders, and hypertension. Other disorders that have anxiety patient will sleep through the night, they also may cause as a component are not necessarily associated with a life cumulative effects resulting in daytime sluggishness or event, and may persist for considerable periods, even drug hangover. Benzodiazepines employed in the treatment of Nearly all central nervous system depressants have anxiety should be used in the lowest effective dose for some capacity to suppress seizures by virtue of their de- the shortest duration so that they will provide maxi- pressant activity on the brain and spinal cord. For most types of anxiety, that depress epileptiform activity and are used in the none of the benzodiazepines is therapeutically superior treatment of epilepsy and seizure disorders (see to any other. A benzodiazepine with a long half-life Sedation, Amnesia, and Anesthesia should be considered if the anxiety is intense and sus- tained. A drug with a short half-life may have advan- Benzodiazepines have the capacity to produce a calm- tages when the anxiety is provoked by clearly defined ing effect and to cause anterograde amnesia, in which circumstances and is likely to be of short duration. Benzo- Insomnia diazepine-induced sedation and amnesia are deemed useful in the preparation of patients for anesthesia, All of the benzodiazepines will produce sedative– surgery, and other frightening or unpleasant medical hypnotic effects of sufficient magnitude to induce sleep, and dental procedures and diagnostic tests. However, the aim is a frequently used anesthetic benzodiazepine (see in the treatment of sleep disorders is to induce sleep Chapter 25). Extensive sleep studies have been conducted with a Benzodiazepines have the capacity to depress polysyn- variety of sedative–hypnotic drugs, and all of these aptic reflexes and have been shown to decrease decere- drugs appear to alter the normal distribution of rapid brate rigidity in cats and spasticity in patients with cere- eye movement (REM) and non-REM sleep. What is not clear is whether they can, in older sedative–hypnotic agents markedly depress REM humans, relax voluntary muscles in doses that do not sleep. In contrast, when the benzodiazepines are used in cause considerable central nervous system depression. As with treatment of anxiety, the choice often prescribed for patients who have muscle spasms and pain as a result of injury. In these circumstances, the sedative and anxiolytic properties of the drug also may Pharmacokinetic Properties promote relaxation and relieve tension associated with TABLE 30. Benzodiazepines Alcohol and Sedative–Hypnotic Withdrawal Time to Elimination Withdrawal from long-term high-dose use of alcohol or Drug peak (hr) half-life (hr)* sedative–hypnotic drugs can be life threatening if phys- Chlordiazepoxide 0. These include drowsiness, ex- Many benzodiazepines are metabolized by the cy- cessive sedation, impaired motor coordination, confusion, tochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme designated CYP3A4. These effects are most troublesome dur- CYP3A4 is inhibited by grapefruit juice and by drugs ing the initial week or two of treatment. Subsequently, the such as ketoconazole, itraconazole, nefazodone, eryth- patient becomes tolerant and these effects produce less romycin, and ritonavir. Although for most individuals these symptoms stances along with a benzodiazepine may result in in- are mild, patients should be cautioned against engaging in tensification and prolongation of the benzodiazepine potentially dangerous tasks such as operating machinery effect. Also, a vari- ety of gastrointestinal complaints occur, and blood dyscrasias have been reported, but these are rare. Benzodiazepine administration during pregnancy, deliv- OTHER BENZODIAZEPINE RECEPTOR ery, or lactation has the potential to have adverse effects AGONISTS on the fetus or newborn. As with other central nervous system depressants, Zolpidem (Ambien) and zaleplon (Sonata) are struc- the effects of benzodiazepines are additive with those turally unrelated to the benzodiazepines, but both drugs of ethanol. Patients should be warned that ethanol- share pharmacological properties with the benzodi- containing beverages may produce a more profound de- azepines. They bind to benzodiazepine receptors and fa- pression when taken simultaneously with a benzodi- cilitate GABA-mediated inhibition. In usual sedative doses, zolpidem preserves deep One of the major reasons for the popularity of the sleep (stages 3 and 4) and has only minor and inconsis- benzodiazepines is their relative safety.
As Many of the biochemical and molecular events that pregnancy progresses symptoms 7 days after embryo transfer buy antabuse 500mg fast delivery, spontaneous repetitive action po- are responsible for uterine smooth muscle contraction tentials can be seen treatment zenkers diverticulum discount antabuse 250mg fast delivery, but muscle tension will develop are the same as those that control other smooth muscle only once these action potentials become synchronized tissues (Fig medicine park lodging generic 500mg antabuse fast delivery. Contractions do become evident, ity has been augmented, actin and myosin must interact however, several weeks before labor begins. This interaction depends on the tractions of the myometrium progressively increase phosphorylation of the contractile proteins by the en- during the onset of labor, in part through the action of zyme myosin light chain kinase (MLCK). This enzyme a positive neuroendocrine feedback system that in- requires Ca and is active only when associated with volves both synthesis and release of oxytocin and calmodulin. Activation of the entire muscle contraction Ca2 Calcium channel -receptor, other receptors -receptor Ca2 PIP2 ATP Adenylyl cyclase calmodulin IP DAG 3 Ca2 Sarcoplasmic PDE Inactive cAMP Reticulum kinase product MLCKa MLCKi MLCK -Pi MLCi MLCa-P RELAXATION actin CONTRACTION Smooth muscle cell FIGURE 62. Calcium (Ca ) binds to calmodulin and initiates a series of biochemical reactions that ultimately lead to muscle contraction. MLCK, myosin light chain kinase (inactivated); MLCKi a, myosin light chain kinase (activated); MLC, inactive myosin light chain; MLCi a-P, phosphorylated active myosin light chain; MLCK-Pi, phosphorylated MLCK; PDE, phosphodiesterase; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol; IP3, inositol triphosphate; DAG, diacylglycerol. It has also tocin, 1-adrenergic agonists, and prostaglandins (PGE1 been used following incomplete abortion after 20 weeks and PGE2). A decrease in the progesterone–estrogen ra- of gestation (although use of prostaglandins may be tio in the myometrium is also an important factor in the preferred in this instance), and it may be used after full- timing and initiation of labor; this altered ratio may in- term delivery to prevent or control uterine hemorrhage. Cytokines produced by the oxytocin challenge test (an assessment of the fetal heart fetus are also thought to be responsible for stimulating rate in response to oxytocin-induced contractions) can uterine contraction. Prolonged stimulation of uter- mediated protein kinase, accumulation of Ca in the ine contractions can result in the following fetal adverse sarcoplasmic reticulum, and a decrease in cytoplasmic reactions: persistent uteroplacental insufficiency, sinus Ca. Other circulating substances that favor quies- bradycardia, premature ventricular contractions, other cence of uterine smooth muscle include progesterone, arrhythmias, and fetal death. Prolonged use of oxytocin which increases throughout pregnancy, and possibly can lead to water intoxication secondary to the antidi- prostacyclin. Maternal and hyperpolarization of the muscle cell membrane, reduc- fetal cardiovascular parameters should be monitored tion of impulse conduction in muscle cells, and in- during oxytocin administration. They have particular value in limiting an extended preg- nancy, preventing the early rupture of membranes, or Ergonovine Maleate and aiding placental insufficiency. Many of these com- Methylergonovine Maleate pounds also are useful in limiting postpartum hemor- rhage. The primary use of uterine relaxants (tocolytic Ergonovine (Ergotrate) and methylergonovine (Meth- agents) is in the prevention of premature labor. These ergine) are compounds obtained either directly or semi- drugs act either directly to suppress myometrial smooth synthetically from ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and muscle contraction or indirectly to inhibit synthesis or other grains. These compounds stimulate uterine release of the prostaglandins and/or other endogenous smooth muscle directly, thereby increasing muscular uterine stimulants. These drugs are capable of inducing a sus- UTERINE STIMULANTS tained tetanic contraction, which can shorten the final stage of labor and aid in the reduction of postpartum blood loss. Both are commonly used for the routine ex- Oxytocin pulsion of the placenta after delivery and in postpartum Oxytocin (Pitocin, Syntocinon) is a cyclic 8–amino acid and postabortal atony and hemorrhage. They may induce arterial vasocon- action involves the direct stimulation of oxytocin recep- striction and have minor actions on the central nervous tors found on the myometrial cells. Their -adrenergic blocking activity is relatively unbound in the plasma, where it has a half-life of ap- weak compared with those of other ergot alkaloids. It is primarily inactivated in the Absorption is rapid and largely complete after oral kidneys and liver.
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