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By: N. Grobock, M.A., M.D.
Vice Chair, Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine
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The blood was taken 24 h after an intramuscular dose of 1 mg virus band order dochicin 0.5mg amex, at which time the plasma concentrations of phylloquinone ranged from 115 to 1150 ng/mL (mean antibiotics for dogs after surgery buy generic dochicin 0.5mg line, 536 ng/mL) antibiotic discovery buy generic dochicin 0.5mg online, compared with about 0. All three groups showed a lower variant frequency than a reference group of children aged 1–15 years. For ethical reasons, there was no control group of infants who had not received vitamin K prophylaxis, and the conclusion was therefore limited to a lack of association between the route of vitamin K administration and somatic mutation. It enhanced the frequency of sister chromatid exchange in cultured human maternal lymphocytes at concentrations that are relevant in vivo, and a similar increase in sister chromatid exchange frequency was observed in cultured lymphocytes from human placental blood. In fetal sheep that received a catheter in the femoral vein 10–15 days before term, phylloquinone significantly increased the frequency of sister chromatid exchange in peripheral blood lymphocytes sampled 24 h later. Menaquinone-4 but not phylloquinone inhibited osteoclastic bone resorption by inducing osteoclast apoptosis (Kameda et al. Menaquinone-4 and its derivatives also induced apoptosis in various human leukaemic cell lines (Yaguchi et al. Phylloquinone at a high concentration (200 μmol/L) inhibited the conversion of benzo- [a]pyrene to its more polar metabolites, a property it shares with menadione. Paradoxi- cally, at a lower concentration of phylloquinone (25 μmol/L), but not with menadione, the metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene was increased. In this system, therefore, whereas menadione consistently acts as a potential inhibitor of carcinogenesis, phylloquinone could either potentiate or inhibit it, depending on the concentration. The overall weaker inhibitory effect of phylloquinone could be due to the low solubility of this lipophilic compound, but it is difficult to explain the mechanism of the enhanced metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene at lower concentrations of phylloquinone. They concluded that vitamin K deficiency confers a protective effect against benzo[a]pyrene-induced tumour formation. They sub- sequently tendered the hypothesis that the low vitamin K status of normal newborns confers a biological advantage by reducing the risk of mutagenic events during a period of rapid cell proliferation (Israels et al. They concluded that the antioxidant effect is probably due to radical chain- breaking by vitamin K quinol and that dietary intake of vitamin K may strengthen cellular defences against oxidative stress. The toxicity may result directly from binding of menadione to a critical protein thiol (such as a membrane cation transporter) or indirectly from binding to and decreasing concentrations of reduced glutathione, thereby predisposing the cell to oxidative stress. An alternative mechanism whereby menadione may produce oxidative stress is by redox cycling, which ultimately results in the production of reactive oxygen species. Oxidative stress results when the production of reactive oxygen species exceeds the antioxidant defence mechanisms, which in turn may result in cellular injury and death through a variety of mechanisms. In human cancer cells, menadione-induced cell degeneration was consid- ered to result mainly from lipid peroxidative damage rather than from other mechanisms such as a depleted glutathione content (Chiou et al. It has been proposed that menadione causes mutations by generating active oxygen species from semiquinone radicals (e. Semiquinones can generate superoxide anion, which itself produces other active species, such as hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical, through enzyme- and metal-catalysed reactions (Chesis et al. Cells in culture can, however, convert menadione to menaquinone-4, and there is already evidence that this plays a role in apoptosis. In nature, vitamin K occurs as phylloquinone in plants and as menaquinones produced by bacteria. The major dietary sources of vitamin K are green leafy vegetables and certain vegetable oils. Clinically, vitamin K is used primarily to prevent or cure deficiency- related bleeding in newborns and patients with malabsorption syndromes and to reverse the anticoagulative effects of vitamin K antagonists. A major limitation of most of the studies is that the fact of intramuscular administration of vitamin K was difficult to establish retrospectively for a substantial proportion of subjects, although the results of the analyses based on individual records and on imputed hospital policies for vitamin K administration are similar.
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