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By: C. Dudley, M.A.S., M.D.

Clinical Director, California Northstate University College of Medicine

The fibers of the latter nucleus run through the Kahle medications for ocd order paroxetine 10 mg otc, Color Atlas of Human Anatomy medications gout purchase paroxetine online, Vol symptoms knee sprain buy cheap paroxetine online. Cerebellar Peduncles and Nuclei 155 4 15 2 16 5 14 1 6 7 24 23 3 22 8 12 11 10 9 13 A Anterior view 18 19 21 20 25 B Cerebellar nuclei 26 27 33 17 28 24 22 23 29 30 31 32 C Cerebellar peduncles (according to Büttner) Kahle, Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. Projection of the convoluted relief of (primary and secondary dendrites) have a the human cerebellum onto a plane results smooth surface (C7) and are covered with in an expanse of 1m in length in the oro- synapses. The fine terminal branches are caudal dimension (from the lingula to the dotted with short spines (C8). The cortex is regularly structured cell carries approximately 60000 spinous throughout all regions of the cerebellum. Different fiber systems terminate consists of three layers: at the smooth and spiny sections of the cell:! The molecular layer (A1) lies beneath the The axon (B9) departs from the base of the surface; it contains few cells and consists Purkinje cell and extends through the mainly of unmyelinated fibers. The neurons we can distinguish the outer stel- axons of Purkinje cells terminate at neurons late cells (lying close to the surface) and the of the cerebellar nuclei (p. Purkinje cells use layer (ganglionic layer) (A2) is formed by GABA as neurotransmitter. It is very rich in cells, consisting of densely packed, small neurons, the granule cells. Purkinje Cells (B–D) The Purkinje cell represents the largest and most characteristic cell of the cerebellum. The Nissl stain shows the pear-shaped cell body (B4) filled with coarse Nissl bodies. Also visible are the basal portions of two or three dendrites (B5) at the upper pole of the cell. However, the cell’s entire expanse with all its processes can only be visualized by Golgi impregnation or intracellular staining. The primary stems of the dendrites ramify into further branches, and these again into finearborizationsthatformthedendritictree (B6). The dendrites spread in a two-dimen- sional plane like the branches of an espalier tree. The Purkinje cells are arranged in a strictly geometric fashion; spaced at rela- tively regular intervals, they form a row be- tween granular and molecular layers and sendtheirdendritictreesintothemolecular layer toward the surface of the folium. Cerebellar Cortex 157 1 2 3 A Cerebellar folium, Nissl stain 5 6 4 B Purkinje cell, silver im- pregnation (according to Fox) and Nissl stain 9 7 8 D Arrangement of the Purkinje cells C Detail of B within a folium Kahle, Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. Their dendritic trees, neurons run in all directions and reach ap- which ramify predominantly in the molecu- proximately 12 Purkinje dendritic trees. The cells have short axons, which In the lower third of the molecular layer lie either terminate in a glomerulus or ramify the slightly larger basket cells (A1). The Golgi long axons run horizontally above the cells belong to the inhibitory interneurons. Purkinje cell bodies and give off collaterals, the terminal branches of which form net- Glia (D) works (baskets) around the Purkinje cell Apart from the regular glial cell types, such bodies. The electron-microscopic image as the oligodendrocytes (D5) and proto- shows that the basket cell fibers form plasmic astrocytes (D6) commonly found in numerous synaptic contacts (B2) with the the granular layer, there are also glial cells Purkinje cell, namely, at the base of the cell that are characteristic for the cerebellum: body (axon hillock) and at the initial seg- Bergmann’s glia and the penniform glia of ment of the axon up to where the myelin Fañanás. The rest of the Purkinje cell body is enveloped by Bergmann’s glial cells ThecellbodiesoftheBergmann’scells(D7)lie (B3).

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The central sul- cus separates the precentral gyrus (A12) (re- gion of voluntary movement) from the post- central gyrus (A13) (region of sensitivity) medicine 95a purchase cheap paroxetine. Median Section (C) Between the hemispheres lies the dien- cephalon (C14); the corpus callosum (C15) above it connects the two hemispheres medications for high blood pressure cheap paroxetine 20mg otc. The corpus callosum forms a fiber plate; its oral curvature encloses a thin wall segment of the hemisphere treatment lower back pain order 20mg paroxetine with visa, the septumpellucidum (C16) (p. In the anterior wall of the third ventricle lies the anterior commissure (C20) (containing the crossing fibers of the olfactory brain); at its base lie Kahle, Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. Anatomy of the Brain, Lateral View and Median Section 11 9 8 7 13 12 10 5 6 4 11 1 2 3 A Lateral view of the brain 32 14 B Dorsal view 9 7 24 29 19 15 16 18 25 17 26 27 20 21 28 30 22 23 31 C Median section through the brain, medial surface of the right hemisphere Kahle, Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. The ventral faces of frontal lobe (A1) and temporal lobe half of the lateral wall, which differentiates (A2), and the base of the diencephalon. The early,iscalledthebasalplate(C19)andrep- longitudinal cerebral fissure (A3) separates resentstheoriginofmotorneurons. Thedor- the two frontal lobes; at the basal surface of sal half, which develops later, is called the each hemisphere lies the olfactory lobe with alar plate (C20) and represents the origin of the olfactory bulb (A4) and the olfactory tract sensory neurons. The tract divides in the olfactorytrigone plates lies a segment (C21) from which au- (A6) into two olfactory striae which border tonomic neurons originate. Thus, a struc- the anteriorperforatedsubstance (A7); the lat- tural plan of the CNS can be recognized in ter is perforated by entering blood vessels. The pons difficult to identify in diencephalon and tel- (A12) bulges caudally and is followed by the encephalon. The cerebellum is divided into the medial, deep- lying vermis of the cerebellum (A14) and the two cerebellar hemispheres (A15). White and Gray Matter (B) Upon dissecting the brain into slices, the white and gray matter, substantia alba et grisea, become visible on the cut surfaces. The gray matter represents a concentration of neurons and the white matter the fiber tracts, or neuronal processes, which appear light because of their white envelope, the myelin sheath. In the spinal cord (B16), the gray matter lies in the center and is en- closed by the bordering white matter (as- cending and descending fiber tracts). In the brain stem (B17) and diencephalon, the dis- tribution of gray and white matter varies. In the telen- cephalon (B18), the gray matter lies at the outer margin and forms the cortex, while the white matter lies inside. Thus, the dis- tribution here is the reverse of that in the spinal cord. The arrangement in the spinal cord repre- sents a primitive state; it still exists in fish and amphibians where the neurons are in a periventricular position even in the telen- cephalon. The cerebral cortex represents the highest level of organization, which is fully developed only in mammals. Base of the Brain, White and Gray Matter, Subdivision into Lateral Zones 13 3 4 1 5 9 6 8 7 10 11 2 12 13 15 A Basal view of the brain 14 16 17 18 B Distribution of white and gray matter 20 21 19 C Longitudinal zones of the CNS Kahle, Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. During their expansion, they push the brain developed into the organ of human in- early-developed brain parts into a deeper telligence. Since the ancestors are extinct, location and bulge outward (they become the developmental sequence can only be re- prominent). In am- phibians and reptiles, the telencephalon (A1) appears as an appendix to the large ol- factory bulb (A2); mesencephalon (A3) and diencephalon (A4) lie free at the surface. Al- ready in primitive mammals (such as the hedgehog), however, the telencephalon ex- pands over the rostral parts of the brain stem; in lemurs, it completely overlays the diencephalon and mesencephalon. Thus, the phylogenetic development of the brain essentially consists of a progressive enlarge- ment of the telencephalon and a transfer of the highest integrative functions to this part of the brain. Ancient primitive structures are still retained in the human brain and are inter- mingled with new, highly differentiated structures.

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