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By: S. Rhobar, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Clinical Director, Meharry Medical College School of Medicine
Introduction The role of nuclear medicine in haematology covers the following: (a) Determination of blood volume antibiotics before surgery purchase 100mg zithrin visa, both red cell volume and plasma volume; (b) Mean red cell lifespan; (c) Sites of red cell destruction; (d) Megaloblastic anaemias virus protection software generic zithrin 100 mg online, especially the vitamin B12 absorption test (Schilling test); (e) Iron metabolism; (f) Radiolabelled platelets; (g) Radiolabelled granulocytes; (h) Splenic function; (i) Bone marrow imaging antibiotics for acne how long to work order zithrin overnight. Principle Total blood volume consists of separate plasma and cellular compart- ments. However, more accurate results are obtained if the total blood volume is determined by separate measurements of plasma and red cell volume. In clinical situations, the ratio between total body haematocrit and peripheral haematocrit often varies widely. Plasma and red cell volumes are determined using the dilution principle, where the volume in question is calculated from the concentration of a tracer added in an accurately measured amount, mixed homogeneously within the compartment to be measured, using the following formula: V = Q/C where V is the volume of the compartment; Q is the quantity of tracer added; and C is the concentration of diluted tracer after equilibrium. The following conditions must be fulfilled for the formula to be valid: —The tracer must be homogeneously distributed within the compartment. Clinical indications The main indications for the test are in the diagnosis of polycythaemia (erythrocytosis). This condition is diagnosed by finding elevated haemoglobin, haematocrit and red cell counts, and may be absolute (increased red cell volume) or relative (haemoconcentration). The availability of erythropoietin determinations has decreased the use of blood volume determinations, perhaps because of the uncertain accuracy of the latter. To improve the reliability of blood volume determinations, it is imperative to pay attention to technical details, including adjustment of normal and/or reference values for the patient’s body build, especially in obese patients. Patient preparation Since radioactive iodine is taken up by the thyroid, 200 mg of potassium iodide should be given orally per day for two days before and eight days afterwards, in order to block thyroid uptake. Timed blood samples should be drawn from the opposite arm at exactly 10, 20 and 30 min post-injection. The disadvantage of Tc is its fairly high elution from red cells, making this method unsuitable for delayed sampling as in splenomegaly or congestive cardiac failure. Using a fixed reference range in mL/kg does not take into account the fact that obese individuals will have relatively lower values when expressed in mL/kg. It is more accurate to use individualized reference values for each patient, using tables based on the patient’s weight and height or body surface. The sample taken at time zero cannot be obtained earlier than 24 hours, because approximately 10% of the label is lost on the first day. Alternatively, they can be heated at 49°C for 15 min and used for spleen scintigraphy. Interpretation Normal and abnormal findings can be characterized as follows: (a) Normal findings: —The spleen-to-liver ratio is 1:1. Splenomegaly itself, without pathological sequestration, can yield spleen-to-liver ratios of between 2:1 and 4:1. For this reason, a rising ratio is the best evidence of significant sequestration. Physiology Vitamin B12 is not synthesized by plants or animals, but is produced by microorganisms found in the soil and in the intestines and rumens of animals. It takes three to five years to develop vitamin B12 deficiency if dietary intake is halted or malabsorption occurs. Over the next 8–12 hours, a portion re- enters the circulation, binding to a larger transport protein, transcobalamin-I. When the storage capacity of transcobalamin-I is exceeded, vitamin B12 is excreted.
Ingber (2003) reports: day antibiotics effective against e coli generic zithrin 100 mg with mastercard, and what disease antibiotic resistance livestock feed purchase 500mg zithrin with visa, they would finally fall prey Clinicians have come to recognize the importance of to . Exploration egg virus your current security settings 250mg zithrin with mastercard, were these strengths and weaknesses that we of basic physiological mechanisms, such as sound call the recessive and dominant characteristics of sensation, motion recognition and gravity detection, inheritance that we could not get out from under. If we had the genes for heart disease we for manipulating and probing individual molecules would die of heart disease. It turns out that the human and cells has revealed the importance of the physical genome project has discovered that the genes that we nature of the biochemical world. Within our genes are multiple motors (Mehta et al 1999); cells exert tractional forces messages, and the message that is expressed at any on micro-particles greater than those that can be moment – that’s in our phenotype – is a consequence applied by optical tweezers (Schmidt et al 1993); and of the environmental messages including diet, lifestyle, behaviours required for developmental control, environment, that wash over our genes to give rise to including growth, differentiation, polarity, motility, different expression paths of the genes. How we change chemical activities inside the cell and control exercise, how we work, what our stress patterns are. The answer, says Ingber, lies in Research by Ames et al (2002) has now shown that molecular biophysics and to a large extent in the these concepts are indeed accurate, and that gene tensegrity format on which cellular architecture is expression can often be dramatically modified by based (Chen & Ingber 1999, Ingber 1991, 1997, 1999). Ames and colleagues have listed It seems that when a distending force is applied to more than 50 genetic diseases, successfully treated cell surface adhesion receptors, the mechanical load is with high doses of vitamins and other nutrients, most transferred to linked cytoskeletal elements that form of them rare inborn metabolic diseases due to defec- the tensegrity framework of the cell. If the cytoskeletal filaments and associated regula- tory molecules distort, without breaking, then some Modifying gene expression or all of the molecules that make up these structures effectively change shape, and when the shape of a mol- biomechanically ecule is altered, its biophysical properties change. The But there exists another – possibly surprising to some resulting changes affect intracellular biochemistry by – factor that can modify gene expression: the state of altering thermodynamic parameters locally in living structural adaptation of the cells themselves. These structural adaptations can be seen to influ- Ingber (2000) explains further: ence, and indeed determine, the way cells express themselves genetically. Put at its simplest, structural In contrast to existing paradigms that look for modification to cell shape, warping or distortion of explanations in terms of specific soluble and insoluble the cytoskeleton, and the environment in which the factors and linear signaling pathways, the functional Chapter 2 • Adaptation and the Evolution of Disease and Dysfunction 49 state of the cell appears to ‘self-organize’ as a result of derives from the processes of structural compensation the architecture and dynamics of its underlying and adaptation that occur in response to aging, envi- regulatory network. Here manipulation) should enhance metabolic function, we see a picture of complex structural adaptations health and gene expression (Ingber 2003). Pulling of collagen and/or elastic What seems clear is that given a structurally modified fibers and deformation of extracellular matrix during context (tissues that are, for example, fibrotic, contracted, needle manipulation may have powerful and long- distorted, hypertonic or even in spasm), the best nutrition in lasting effects on local cells, including synthesis and the world would have difficulty being utilized adequately. Such changes in this clearly places structural normalization at the fore- matrix composition in turn potentially can modulate front of naturopathic therapeutic requirements. The results of this research highlight the potentially Structure and function: the important role of interstitial connective tissue in adaptation cycle neuromodulation: Leaving aside the obvious link between structure and Subcutaneous connective tissue forms a continuous function on the musculoskeletal (muscle, joint, back tissue plane throughout the body. These connective that emerge from a background of adaptation and tissue planes also constitute the ‘milieu’ surrounding compensation. Techniques expression as suggested by Ingber’s (1993) studies – such as acupuncture may act not simply via neural 50 Naturopathic Physical Medicine Langevin’s more recent research (Langevin et al Box 2. In 1991, Ruff described how the colder the climate, Cytoskeleton-dependent changes in cell shape are well- the wider the body structure appeared to be. He established factors regulating a wide range of cellular explained that: functions including signal transduction, gene expression and matrix adhesion. Although the The very broad pelvis of small early hominids has importance of mechanical forces on cell shape and previously been interpreted in obstetrical and function is well established in cultured cells, very little biomechanical terms. However, neither of these is known about these effects in whole tissues or in considerations can explain the subsequent vivo. In this study we have used ex vivo and in vivo decrease in maximum pelvic breadth relative to models to investigate the effect of tissue stretch on stature in larger more recent hominids.
The left infraclavicular parasternal area is more prominent anteriorly virus map cheap zithrin 100 mg otc, because the thoracic inlet is side-flexed right and rotated right antimicrobial nanoparticles generic zithrin 250mg. Tissue preference is the sense that the palpating hands derive from the tissues being moved antibiotics long term effects purchase 100 mg zithrin overnight delivery, as to the preferred direction(s) of movement (for example, at its simplest, ‘this area turns more easily to the right than the left – and therefore has a “preference” to turn right’). Reproduced series of ‘questions’ posed by the practitioner, to with permission from Fernández-de-las-Peñas et al. Journal of tissues being moved: ‘Are you more comfortable Bodywork and Movement Therapies 2006;10:3–9 moving in this direction, or that? However, as valuable as an algometer may be in Positions of ease, comfort and tissue preference are research settings, its use is not really practical in every- directly opposite to directions that engage barriers, or day clinical work. Newer electronic versions that fit move towards bind or restriction onto a thumb-tip (linked to a computer screen) have The methods for assessing tissue preferences in this made their use both practical and desirable (Fryer context are described in Box 6. Differential assessment, based on Assessment of the common findings of supine and standing compensatory pattern (Zink & Lawson Zink tests (Liem 2004) 1979) If the rotational preferences alternate when supine, and display a greater tendency to not alternate (i. The left iliac crest will appear higher or more in the upper body, cranium or jaw. Is rotation more free left or used to take the neck into maximal unstressed right? The therapist stands below placed so that they lie, palms upward, beneath the waist level facing cephalad and places the hands on scapulae. The therapist’s forearms and elbows should the anterior pelvic structures, using the contact as a be in touch with the table surface. Leverage can be ‘steering wheel’ to evaluate tissue preference as the introduced by one arm at a time as the therapist’s pelvis is rotated around its central axis, seeking weight is introduced toward the floor, through one information as to its ‘tightness/looseness’ preferences. This allows a safe and relatively Alternation with previously assessed preferences stress-free assessment to be made of the freedom should be observed if a healthy adaptive process is with which one side, and then the other, moves, occurring. Is behind, places the hands on the pelvic crest, rotating rotation more free left or right? Is rotation more free left or with the therapist behind, with hands placed to cover right? The hands Well compensated Poorly compensated assess the area being palpated for its ‘tightness/ looseness’ preferences as a slight degree of rotation left and then right is introduced at the level of the cervicothoracic junction. The therapist stands at waist level facing cephalad and places the hands over the lower thoracic structures, fingers along lower rib (7–10) shafts laterally. Treating the structure being palpated as a cylinder, the hands test the preference for the lower thorax to rotate around its central axis, testing one way and then the other. Alternation in these should be observed if a healthy adaptive process is occurring. Tissue ‘preferences’ fingers along lower rib shafts laterally, the preference in different areas identify adaptation patterns in clinically useful for the lower thorax to rotate around its central axis is ways: ideal = minimal adaptive load transferred to other regions; tested one way and then the other. Is rotation more compensated (A) = patterns alternate in direction from area free left or right? Therapeutic objectives which encourage better should be observed if a healthy adaptive process is compensation are optimal. Chaitow (2003a) 140 Naturopathic Physical Medicine Questions the therapist should ask A reasonable knowledge of basic anatomic and him/herself following this assessment physiological features and characteristics will there- fore be assumed. Was there an ‘alternating’ pattern to the tissue preferences, and was this the same when the patient Thermal assessment was supine and when standing? Alternatively, was there a tendency for the tissue Various forms of thermal assessment are used clini- preference to be in the same direction in all, or most cally to identify trigger point activity and other forms of, the four areas assessed? What therapeutic methods would help the body are present in the majority, the sites are not necessarily to produce a more balanced degree of tissue where the trigger points are located. The elastic has reached breaking point, may commonly represent trigger point sites, some metaphorically speaking.
The specifc requirements for such The cornerstone of the program is the the- felds are set by the faculty member direct- sis project virus 87 buy generic zithrin canada. The faculty (listed reading virus 79 trusted zithrin 100 mg, and the passing of a comprehen- below) come from clinical as well as basic sive examination and/or preparation of sev- science departments antibiotic resistance epidemiology order zithrin online now, have a wide range of eral historiographic essays. Candidates must research interests pertinent to human genet- also demonstrate a reading knowledge of two ics, and carry out well-supported research foreign languages before being admitted to programs. A wide admits students who wish to complete the choice of elective courses in diverse areas requirements for this degree. These include of genetics and molecular biology provides the demonstration of competence in the gen- the means to achieve individual career goals. Support- and demonstrated reading ability of one for- ing activities include journal clubs, the short eign language. Bylebyl Fellowship, The William Coleman Fel- The combination of research training in lowship, The Harry Woolf Fellowship, and regu- molecular biology and genetics with knowl- lar department fellowships are among those edge of human biology uniquely qualifes available. These awards include tuition, stipend, graduates to carry out sophisticated genetic research allowance, and medical insurance. Program The faculty of the Human Genetics Program The Institute of Genetic Medicine offers an offers research training for medical students in interdivisional program based in the School the combined M. This program is predicated on the Syndromes of telomere shortening which belief that research progress is enhanced capture both the degenerative and cancer-prone by detailed knowledge of the experimental phenotypes of aging. The proximity to renown clini- Recombination, physical and somatic cell cal facilities of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, genetic mapping; developmental consequences including the Institute of Genetic Medicine, of aneuploidy; manipulation and modifcation of and Oncology Center provides faculty and yeast artifcial chromosomes. Because the program in human Molecular genetics of cellular transformation and genetics is a university-wide activity, support- metastasis; studies of a human transposon-like ing facilities are extensive. Students are Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics encouraged, however, to apply for fellowships Molecular genetics of germ cell development. All of Cell Biology, Anatomy, Molecular Biology examples are geared towards the biological scienc- and Genetics, Biological Chemistry, Patholo- es. The courses offered by the faculty of the Nine weekly discussions of papers about the program are listed below. All courses are nature of epigenetic factors in mammalian cells and open to graduate students from any university their roles in conferring cell memory, imprinting in program as well as selected undergraduates. Topics the aegis of the Department of Molecular Biol- for discussion will include chromosome structure ogy and Genetics offers a program of study and function, gene mapping, mutation and karyo- leading to the Ph. Within this pro- typic aberrations, sex determination, inborn errors gram, the faculty offer didactic training and of metabolism, genetical heterogeneity, genotype- research experiences with a strong empha- environment interaction in health and disease, including cancer. Stem cell models for human blood/immune Readings on the seminal papers and major contri- development and disease. Semenza Molecular mechanisms of lymphocyte and Jabs differentiation and activation; immunoglobulin and T cell receptor gene assembly. Associate Professor of Oncology Using a unique murine model to investigate the 710. During the second year of study, subse- quent to the satisfactory completion of a 250. The course The candidate is also required to present a largely uses student lead discussions of relevant written dissertation based on original research journal articles but problem sets and demonstra- undertaken during residency as a graduate stu- tions are also incorporated. As basic mechanisms of immune toler- and c) post-doctoral students wishing to pre- ance become elucidated, it is now possible to deter- pare for careers in teaching and research. The gen- cy diseases and potentially autoimmune diseases, eral content is similar to Graduate Immunology, but has its own set of associated tolerance mecha- is oriented more toward human diseases involving nisms. Lectures, small discussion manipulate immune tolerance are being developed groups, clinical correlation, and laboratory exercis- and clinically tested.
Multi- resistant organisms are seen in patients who have been on broad spectrum antibiotics antibiotic yellow teeth purchase generic zithrin line. Fungal infections and anaerobic infections should be considered in patients who are repeatedly culture negative antimicrobial quiz effective zithrin 100 mg. Diagnosis is based on the appearance of thick purulent secretions and new pulmonary infiltrates on x-ray antibiotics for dogs bacterial infections buy zithrin with american express, with worsening sepsis. Culture of tracheal secretions is unreliable because it is difficult to distinguish colonizing organisms. Severe infection 49 Handbook of Critical Care Medicine Sinusitis Sinusitis is an important nosocomial infection which is often missed. The risk of sinusitis is increased by intubation, and by the presence of a nasogastric tube. Pseudomembranous colitis Diarrhoea occurring in critically ill patient should raise the suspicion of pseudomembranous colitis. Most often, diarrhea is caused by alterations in bowel flora due to antibiotics, and is relatively benign. Pseudomembranous colitis is a serious and potentially fatal complication, caused by Clostridium difficile infection. It is caused by the use of broad spectrum antibiotics, in particular clindamycin, broad spectrum beta lactams, and cephalosporins. Intravascular catheter infection Suspect this in the following situations x Spiking of fever with no obvious other source x Presence of the catheter for more than 3 days x Local inflammation and purulent discharge x Resolution of fever when line is removed Definitive diagnosis is made by culturing the tip of the catheter. Hence the diagnosis is made only by demonstrating a positive tip culture with a corresponding culture of the same organism from a blood culture drawn simultaneously from a different site. Skin and surgical infection Surgical sites and bed sores should be examined for signs of inflammation and pus discharge. It is of particular importance to examine the perineal region and genitalia, and in women to perform a vaginal examination and look for pus and tenderness. Severe infection 50 Handbook of Critical Care Medicine Fungal infection Fungal infection is responsible for around 10% of nosocomial infections, and has a high mortality. The use of broad spectrum antibiotics favours colonization of the oropharyngeal, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts. Inflammatory markers C-reactive protein and procalcitonin are both useful markers of infection. Neutrophil leukocytosis indicates bacterial sepsis; however leukopaenia could be present. If pleural or peritoneal fluid collections are present, these may be aspirated and cultured. If meningitis is suspected, lumbar puncture should be performed; however, if there is any delay in performing invasive procedures, antibiotics should be commenced without delay. Chest radiography is very useful in demonstrating new infiltrates suggestive of pneumonia. Intravenous antibiotics are nearly always required, and should be given in adequate doses. The choice of antibiotic will most of the time be empiric initially, and will be based on the suspected site of infection and the expected common organisms, as Severe infection 51 Handbook of Critical Care Medicine detailed above. If a source or site cannot be identified, broad spectrum antibiotics are usually commenced, aimed at providing adequate gram negative and gram positive cover. Once antibiotics are chosen based on a rational approach, they should be reviewed every 3 days, unless there is justification in changing therapy based on culture results. Vancomycin has poor alveolar penetration and hence has poor efficacy in pneumonia. Certain antibiotics have time dependent killing, and others have peak concentration dependent killing.
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