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By: Y. Navaras, M.A., M.D.

Deputy Director, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine

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Those who survive inevitably end up with amputations diabetes control definition discount amaryl 2 mg without prescription. In Cambodia one of every 236 people is an amputee and in Afghanistan nearly 1 in 50 people is a victim of land mines managing type 1 diabetes in adults buy 3mg amaryl with visa. A child undergoing traumatic amputation of a limb would require dozens of prostheses over an average life expectancy diabetes insipidus hyponatremia order amaryl from india. The difficulty in addressing this need is emphasised by the fact that only 1 in 8 amputees in Cambodia have a prosthetic limb. Modern military strategy and equipment provides soldiers with effective protection from injury and death. As a result civilian injury and death represents the vast majority of war related trauma. Therefore intervention strategies should address the vulnerability of civilian populations. Clearly the most efficacious intervention would be the peaceful resolution of world conflicts and the avoidance of war. Further interventions would work to prevent the worldwide sale and proliferation of arms and making what arms that are sold less lethal 130 MANAGEMENT OF TRAUMA (and understandably less desirable). Spatially removing civilians from combat zones through the establishment of safe havens or pre- emptive evacuations would mitigate civilian losses. Other effective but more expensive interventions would provide civilians with barrier protections including helmets, flack jackets, gas masks, reinforced living quarters, and sheltered public market and water sources. The situation will only be reversed by an international ban on the devices or the introduction of time limited fuses. Over 120 nations have signed the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Landmines and on their Destruction, while far fewer have ratified the provisions of the document. In the future, new technologies may develop which will allow devices currently in place to be detected. Alternatively, sonic waves or robots could be used to explode the devices and reclaim areas of land for agricultural use. Prehospital care Caring for combat personnel with musculoskeletal injuries presents increased challenges compared to similar civilian injuries. Hot or tropical climates such as the desert or the jungle can further complicate open musculoskeletal injuries, leading to a higher incidence of wound infection and osteomyelitis. Mountainous terrain and limited capability for air transport, such as that experienced by the Russian army in Afghanistan, could interfere with early first aid for open fractures and the timely transport of injured soldiers. Well funded military development projects may lead to advances in wound care and acute injury management. The military is particularly interested in the use of telemedicine, teleradiology and distant robotic surgery. Extensive funding for such government programmes allows opportunities for technological development, which can then be transferred to the civilian sector. Military surgeons can also improve the care of soldiers with musculoskeletal injuries by adopting advances in intraoperative image guidance, implant and instrument design, and fracture healing enhancements. Treatment The vast majority of injuries from land mines are to the lower extremities. Data from 587 civilian, war related injuries in Sri Lanka 131 BONE AND JOINT FUTURES demonstrated that a majority, 349, resulted from land mines: the lower extremities were involved in nearly half the cases; 23% underwent amputation, and 84% of these were below the knee.

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