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By: A. Shawn, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Co-Director, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine

The PCAM was then explained to patients and they were invited to discuss whether or not it was acceptable to them and whether or not they considered it useful in relation to their care symptoms lyme disease buy 400mg gabapentin otc. Patients were asked how PNs might best raise sensitive or difficult issues with them 300 medications for nclex generic gabapentin 300mg line, and they were also asked about any potential barriers that nurses may experience in using the PCAM treatment diarrhea order gabapentin with american express. Data analysis Data analysis involved constant comparison of key ideas/themes emerging from multiple staff reviews of focus group transcripts. Carina Hibberd, Eileen Calveley and Patricia Aitchison reviewed and compared patient and staff focus group transcripts as they became available. Data from staff and patient focus groups were organised separately within the database. Only designated members of the research team had access to the database. Carina Hibberd, Patricia Aitchison and Rebekah Pratt conducted initial, independent thematic analyses of focus group transcripts to devise a coding frame that was then discussed in detail by the wider analysis group (CH, PA, RP, EC and MM). Where required, analytical codes were amended at this stage by Rebekah Pratt, and descriptors were created to avoid duplication or lack of clarity in meaning. Rebekah Pratt recoded the entire data set based on the amended codes. For the purposes of this report, the key elements of analysis that are relevant to the acceptability and feasibility of using the PCAM tool in primary care-led annual reviews for LTCs, and for answering questions on the feasibility of a cluster RCT, are presented. The theory-driven NPT analysis will be presented in a future publication. Findings Recruitment of practices Figure 3 shows the number of GP practices contacted and subsequently recruited for focus group participation. Four practices agreed to take part in focus groups following telephone contact by researchers, two practices within NHS FV and two practices within NHS GGC. Our recruitment target for the number of focus groups was met. Recruitment to staff focus groups Sixteen health-care staff participated in the four focus groups. Participating health-care staff included PNs (n = 7), GPs (n = 3), PMs (n = 3), assistant PMs (n = 1) and administrative/reception staff (n = 2). The duration of staff focus group sessions ranged between 47 and 72 minutes. The four staff focus group sessions were held in the GP practice. Practices selected from ISD list [n = 98 (NHS FV 23, NHS GGC 75)] Practices excluded (n = 8) • Moved health board, n = 2 • LINKS, n = 5 • Too few nurses, n = 1 Practices invited by SPCRN [n = 90 (NHS FV 23, NHS GGC 66)] Practices declined (n = 4) Practices to be contacted by research team [n = 86 (NHS FV 20, NHS GGC 65)] Practices declined (n = 8) Practices excluded (n = 1) • Too few nurses, n = 1 Practices not contactable (n = 43) Practices contacted, not required (target achieved) (n = 30) Practices participating [n = 4 (NHS FV 2, NHS GGC 2)] FIGURE 3 The recruitment of practices to the focus group study. ISD, Information Services Division of National Services Scotland; LINKS, National Links Worker Programme (funded by the Scottish Government to make links between people and their communities through their GP practice). This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals 19 provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK. STUDY A: ACCEPTABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE PATIENT CENTRED ASSESSMENT METHOD Recruitment to patient focus groups Two of the four participating GP practices agreed to host a patient focus group. A total of 27 patients returned a note of interest, of whom one could not be directly contacted, seven declined or could not attend, two agreed but did not attend and 17 attended and consented. As intended, patient focus groups included a mix of age groups and sex, and reflected the social demographics of participating practices (Table 1). One patient focus group was held in the GP practice, and one patient focus group was held in a local community centre because of limited meeting space in the GP practice. The duration of each patient focus group was 105 minutes.

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This important difference means that it may be easier have been deleted by genetic engineering exhibit normal to detect antipsychotic effects in mice medicines360 order gabapentin 100 mg on line, but also that it will levels of PPI (99) treatment vitiligo quality 800mg gabapentin. Nevertheless symptoms liver cancer order 600 mg gabapentin otc, other evidence indicates be much more difficult to demonstrate a reversal of a PPI that PPI is regulated by genetic factors. For example, strain- deficit produced by an experimental manipulation. More relevant to the recent indi- date gene approach, genetically modified mice have been cations that PPI deficits are evident in family members of used to test specific hypotheses of relevance to animal schizophrenia patients (101), Ellenbroek et al. For example, although most phar- pharmacogenetic selective breeding to produce strains of macologic evidence in rat had implicated the D2 subtype rats that were either sensitive (APO-SUS) or insensitive of the family of dopamine receptors in the PPI-disruptive (APO-UNSUS) to the effects of apomorphine on gnawing effects of dopamine agonists, gene knockout mice proved behavior. Within either a single generation or after many useful in testing this conclusion more definitively. Ralph et generations of selective breeding, APO-SUS rats and their al. Only the mice lacking the D2 subtype of logic substrates that regulate behavioral sensitivity to apo- receptor failed to show the normal effect of amphetamine morphine (presumably some feature related to dopamine- on PPI. Although knockout manipulations are confounded 698 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress by developmental adaptations, such a study takes advantage cal Center (MG); and the Veterans Administration National of the specificity that represents the fundamental strength Center for Schizophrenia (BM). Another model with relevance to the etiology and patho- 1. Psychopharmacology: the fourth 1 1 generation of progress. Prog Brain display exaggerated spontaneous locomotion and stereotypy Res 1986;65:259–270. In: estingly, preliminary studies indicate that some of these be- Judd LL, Groves PM, eds. Psychobiological foundations of clinical havioral abnormalities may be ameliorated with a single dose psychiatry. Stimulants: neurochemical, behavioral, and clinical per- of haloperidol or clozapine. Stimulant-induced psychosis: standing of the long-term effects of congenital NMDA- an evaluation of animal models. Nevertheless, its relevance to schizo- W, Sharman DF, et al. Essays in neurochemistry and neuro- phrenia may be questioned by the fact that no evidence has pharmacology. Amphetamine psychosis: a 'model' schizophrenia been found in schizophrenia for abnormalities in genes that mediated by catecholamines. Animal models with construct validity more, these animals, as would be expected, show no behav- for schizophrenia. Schizophrenic patients, on the other hand, exhibit a human and animal model studies. Startle habituation and sensorimotor gat- sure to a single dose of PCP (109) or ketamine (110). Disorders of attention and perception CONCLUSIONS in early schizophrenia. Sensorimotor gating and habituation evoked by electrocutaneous stimulation in Establishing the construct, etiologic, and predictive validity schizophrenia. Habituation of the is limited by the paucity of rigorous experimental data de- blink reflex in first-episode schizophrenia, psychotic depression rived from clinical studies. The major source of validation and non-psychotic depression.

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This event of -arrestin binding has been described fundibular dopaminergic systems (85) medicine you cant take with grapefruit discount gabapentin 300mg on line. In humans treatment xerosis cheap 400 mg gabapentin visa, and to a as potentially part of the process that desensitizes treatment trends best buy for gabapentin, that is, greater extent than in rodents, prolactin release is essentially leads to G-protein uncoupling of the -opioid receptors, solely under tonic inhibition by dopaminergic tone in the as well as being actually involved in the internalization of tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic system. However, it was endogenous and some exogenous agonist-bound -opioid found that during chronic methadone treatment, there is receptors (44–52,60). The role of internalization in the de- adaptation or tolerance to this phenomenon, an attenua- velopment of tolerance and the independent process of de- tion, but not a complete removal or ablation of this response pendence remain unclear because there are many conflicting caused by dopamine lowering and resulting in elevation of results, including the finding that most exogenous opioid serum prolactin levels (85). Even during long-term metha- ligands, including morphine, that do not induce prompt done maintenance treatment, as reported in 1978, it was internalization of -opioid receptors once bound, clearly found that peak plasma levels of the -opiate agonist metha- lead to the development of both tolerance and physical de- done are related temporally to the peak plasma levels of pendence (44–52). In sharp contrast, methadone and etor- prolactin (85). These findings suggest that the long-acting phine do lead to prompt internalization of -opioid recep- opioid methadone administered orally continues to have tors, just as do all the natural endogenous opioid peptides an impact at least on the tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic such as Met-enkephalin and -endorphin (44–52). Intrigu- system, with a lowering of dopaminergic tone, resulting in ingly, in the mice with deletion at the -arrestin-2 gene, a modest increase of prolactin levels, although not exceeding enhanced morphine analgesia was seen, and further studies upper levels of normal. However, that attenuation occurs revealed that tolerance does not develop to morphine effects, suggests that there may be either a lowering of dopaminergic and yet objective signs reflecting the development of physi- levels and tone in the turberoinfundibular dopaminergic cal dependence are present after chronic morphine adminis- system of that region or, alternatively, an attenuation of tration (60). These studies again dissociated the develop- responsivity of the -opiate-receptor system. It has been ment of tolerance from the development of physical shown that the -opiate-receptor system similarly plays a dependence. The studies of the group of Crain, as well as role in modulating prolactin levels in humans (86). In nor- the studies of the group of Caron and Lefkowitz, suggested mal healthy volunteers, dynorphin A causes a prompt rise that either deletion of -arrestin or suppression, by opioid in serum prolactin levels, resulting again presumably from antagonists in very small doses, of opioid receptor coupled a lowering of dopaminergic tone in the tuberoinfundibular to G , the stimulatory G-protein pathway, will enhance opi-s system (86). This is a , but also a -opioid-receptor effect, oid analgesia and also may attenuate or prevent develop- as documented by use of two different opioid antagonists ment of tolerance. It is not known whether blocking of the with different receptor selectivity (86). In preliminary stud- G coupling alters the development of physical dependence,s ies, the Kreek laboratory showed that there is altered respon- however. In possibly related studies, Jeziorski and White sivity both in former heroin addicts and in former cocaine showed that the NMDA antagonist, MK-801, prevents de- addicts, as well as those with combined heroin opioid and velopment of behavioral sensitization during chronic mor- cocaine dependency (87). Sensitization has been suggested to be ters; this group comprises fast-acting neurotransmitters in- related to drug reward or craving. Possibly in contrast, cluding excitatory amino acids such as glutamate and Churchill, Roques, and Kalivas found that dopamine deple- slower-acting neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, tion, such as may happen during chronic opiate, as well as epinephrine, and serotonin, as well as dopamine, and a vari- 1498 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress ety of neuropeptides. Very few studies have been conducted to novelty or to risk and used different strains of rats, as well in models using chronic heroin or morphine administration, as mice. Similarly, more recent studies looked not simply at or self-administration, using long-term, high-dose, regularly the acute effects of drugs of abuse, but also at the subacute spaced intermittent administration or by long-access, high- and chronic effects of drugs of abuse and the impact of dose, self-administration, mimicking the human pattern of withdrawal from such drugs on components of the stress- heroin abuse. Further work will be central to detail the long- responsive axis. Even more recent studies went on to study term effects and, also of special interest, the effects of the levels of gene expression and the impact of exposure to drugs withdrawal and reexposure to mimic relapse. However, of abuse over a defined time course of exposure on gene qualitatively and quantitatively different changes have been expression, first on 'early gene response' and then, more found during chronic morphine or heroin administration recently, on changes of expression of many other specific by different patterns, dose, and routes of administration. The interactions of the dopaminergic system on the HPA Physiologic Systems and Behaviors axis as well as the effects of catecholamines on this axis have Primarily Altered been studied in both animal models and in humans. It is clear that opiates, like cocaine but to a much lesser extent, Stress Responsivity: Possible Implications for cause an elevation in dopaminergic tone, especially in the Opiate Addiction mesolimbic-mesocortical dopaminergic system. However, An atypical responsivity to stress and stressors existing on as discussed earlier, several groups have shown that although a drug-induced basis or possibly a priori, on a genetic or this is a reproducible phenomenon, the mesolimbic-meso- environmental basis, as one component of the 'metabolic cortical dopaminergic system is not essential for heroin or basis' of heroin addiction was a concept that was hypothe- morphine self-administration, and animals that have re- sized by the Kreek group in 1964, and it was therefore ceived lesions abolishing this mesolimbic-mesocortical do- addressed directly in our prospective studies started at that paminergic system readily self-administer opiates such as time and completed in 1972, as well as in other early basic morphine.

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