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By: X. Flint, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) and the Millon Clinical Mutiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III) are self-report inventories with a lot of empirical support severe erectile dysfunction causes buy tadalafil no prescription. Results of intelligence examinations for individuals with HPD may indicate a lack of perseverance on arithmetic or on tasks that require concentration erectile dysfunction radiation treatment order 20mg tadalafil. Differential diagnosis is the process of distinguishing one mental disorder from other similar disorders erectile dysfunction risk factors order cheap tadalafil on line. For example, at times, it is difficult to distinguish between HPD and borderline personality disorder. Suicide attempts, identity diffusion, and numerous chaotic relationships occur less frequently, however, with a diagnosis of HPD. Another example of overlap can occur between HPD and dependent personality disorder. Patients with HPD and dependent personality disorder share high dependency needs, but only dependent personality disorder is linked to high levels of self-attributed dependency needs. Whereas patients with HPD tend to be active and seductive, individuals with dependent personality disorder tend to be subservient in their demeanor. In general, people with histrionic personality disorder do not believe they need therapy. They also tend to exaggerate their feelings and to dislike routine, which makes following a treatment plan difficult. However, they might seek help if depression -possibly associated with a loss or a failed relationship- or another problem caused by their thinking and behavior causes them distress. Psychotherapy is generally the treatment of choice for histrionic personality disorder. The goal of treatment is to help the individual uncover the motivations and fears associated with his or her thoughts and behavior, and to help the person learn to relate to others in a more positive way. Medication might be used to treat the distressing symptoms -such as depression and anxiety- that might co-occur with this disorder. Many people with this disorder are able to function well socially and at work. Those with severe cases, however, might experience significant problems in their daily lives. Problems often arise in more intimate relationships, where deeper involvements are required. Suicidal behavior is often apparent in a person who suffers from histrionic personality disorder. Suicidality should be assessed on a regular basis and suicidal threats should not be ignored or dismissed. Suicide sometimes occurs when all that was intended was a gesture, so all such thoughts and plans should be taken with the same seriousness as with any other disorder. A suicide contract should be established to specify under what conditions the therapist may be contacted in case the client feels like hurting him or herself. Self-mutilation behavior may also be present in this disorder and should also be taken seriously as an issue of importance to discuss within therapy. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is not the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder, an anxiety disorder that shares some symptoms but is more extreme and disabling. OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by the presence of intrusive or disturbing thoughts, impulses, images or ideas (obsessions), accompanied by repeated attempts to suppress these thoughts through the performance of irrational and ritualistic behaviors or mental acts (compulsions). It is unusual but possible, however, for a patient to suffer from both disorders, especially in extreme cases of hoarding behavior.

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