Clinical Director, Frank H. Netter M.D. School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University
Juvenile angiofibroma begins as a unilateral mass that arises in the nasal vault livalo cholesterol medication side effects purchase lipitor 5mg amex, near the choana and sphenomaxillary fissure cholesterol in eggs and bacon buy lipitor 20 mg lowest price. This tumor presents in the second decade of life in men foods raise good cholesterol naturally lipitor 5 mg on line, often with epistaxis or nasal obstruction. It commonly extends into and widens and destroys the pterygopalatine fossa and the pterygoid plates as it extends into the nasopharynx. When they do occur they most often involve the maxillary sinus, then the ethmoid sinuses, and finally the nasal cavity. Olfactory neuroblastoma, also known as esthesioneuroblastoma, is a neural crest tumor that arises from the olfactory epithelium of the nasal cavity. There is a bimodal age distribution affecting teenagers and individuals in their sixth decade of life. The imaging findings are not unique other than the characteristic location of this tumor in the superior aspect of the nasal cavity, adjacent to the cribriform plate (46,47). Melanotic tumors are hyperintense on T1-weighted images and hypointense on T2-weighted images ( 16). The left maxillary sinus (L) is completely opacified by a mass that also completely fills the adjacent nasal cavity and extends back toward the nasopharynx. On the left only a portion of the lateral pterygoid plate remains ( open white arrow), the medial plate has been eroded by tumor. Note that the mass extends into and nearly completely fills the nasopharynx ( np). A noncontrast T1-weighted coronal magnetic resonance image (C) shows the isointense mass (black arrows) filling the left maxillary sinus, nasal cavity, and ethmoid air cells. It is difficult to clearly demarcate a separation between the mass and the intracranial structures, suggesting that the mass has spread superiorly through the fovea ethmoidalis ( small white arrows). The corresponding postcontrast T1-weighted image (D) shows the enhancing mass (black arrows). The normal, avidly enhancing mucosa in the right nasal cavity ( open white arrow) can easily be distinguished from the less intensely enhancing tumor. The bony boundary between the mass and the intracranial contents is breached ( small white arrows). Imaging examinations are designed not only to recognize acute disease processes, but also to identify any anatomic variations that may be causative factors. Furthermore, imaging helps map out a course of action for the surgeons and helps to identify potential areas at risk for complications. Although sinusitis is essentially a clinical diagnosis, there are some imaging correlates. In addition, the complications from the natural progression of the primary disease process or from surgery are best diagnosed by imaging studies. The exact relationship of allergy to the various inflammatory disease processes affecting the sinus remains unclear. Inflammatory disease processes can have a nearly identical appearance to the more aggressive fungal and malignant entities; therefore, close attention to the imaging findings is required in order to differentiate these processes. A contemporary look at the imaging issues of sinusitis: sinonasal anatomy, physiology and computed tomography technique. The osteomeatal unit and endoscopic surgery: anatomy, variations, and imaging findings in inflammatory diseases. Relationship between patient based descriptions of sinusitis and paranasal sinus computed tomographic findings. Chronically obstructed sinonasal secretions: observations on T1 and T2 shortening. Endoscopic paranasal sinus surgery: radiographic evaluation of severe complications.
Under these circumstances printable list of cholesterol lowering foods 40mg lipitor visa, there is an obvious need to categorize diseases with finer granularity cholesterol test false positive cheap lipitor 10 mg without prescription, greater reference to the underlying biology cholesterol test how accurate proven 5 mg lipitor, and in the context of a dynamic Knowledge Network that has the capacity to integrate the new information on many levels. Unraveling these diverse influences on human diseases will be a major scientific challenge of the 21st century. Prospective studies are particularly valuable because the occurrence or treatment of disease may alter the levels of the biochemical factors so that inference based on levels measured in a series of already diagnosed cases may be biased. These biomarkers can be combined with information on lifestyle risk factors such as smoking and body mass index, and measurements that may also change after diagnosis such as blood pressure, to create a risk score such as the Framingham Risk Score, that is widely used to predict the 10-year risk of heart attack (Anderson et al. Larger prospective cohort studies such as the Nurses Health Study (Missmer et al. For less common diseases, Consortia are again needed as no single study will have enough cases. Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease 27 consent mechanisms could generate similar large longitudinal sample sets and data through the provision of regular medical care, rather than considering these as research studies external to the health systems. Patients in these groups could then be recruited to provide samples or have their discarded clinical samples analyzed for research. In either case, the result would be a rich clinical characterization of patients at low cost and with linkages to corresponding biological samples that can be used for molecular studies. Research questions could be addressed faster and at lower cost as compared to the current standard practice of designing large, labor-intensive prospective studies. Such a scan may show that the original association is either an epiphenomenon of another pathology or part of a broader pathotype (Loscalzo et al. This approach provides an opportunity to explore this broader range of pathological mechanisms across a variety of disease types, which is not possible in single phenotype studies. Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease 28 relationships between genotype and disease is limited by the granularity and precision of the current taxonomic system for disease. A knowledge-network-derived taxonomy that distinguishes diseases with different biological drivers would enhance the power of association studies to uncover new insights. First, patient data, obtained during the normal course of clinical care, has proven to be a valid source for replicating genome-phenome associations that previously had been reported only in carefully qualified research cohorts. Second, although the individual institutions initially thought that they had large enough effect sizes and odds ratios to be adequately powered, in most cases, the entire network was needed to determine genome-wide association. The ability to extract high-quality phenotypes from narrative text is essential along with codes, laboratory results, and medication histories to get high predictive values. For instance, a particular challenge has been to achieve both meaningful data sharing and respect for patient privacy concerns, while adhering to applicable regulations and laws (Kho et al. Evidence is already accumulating that these alternative and informal sources of health care data, including information shared by individuals from ubiquitous technologies such as smart phones and social networks, can contribute significantly to collecting disease and health data (Brownstein et al. Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease 29 Many data sources exist outside of traditional health-care records that could be extremely useful in biomedical research and medical practice. Informal reports from large groups of people (also known as crowd sourcing ), when properly filtered and refined, can produce data complementary to information from traditional sources. One example is the use of information from the web to detect the spread of disease in a population. It also was able to track the progression and spread of H1N1 on a global scale when no particular public-health agency or health-care resource could produce that kind of a picture. The use of mobile phones also has tremendous potential, especially with developers building apps that engage patient populations. For example, a recent app called Outbreaks Near Me allows people to use their cell phones to learn about all the disease events in their neighborhood. People also can report back to the system, putting their own health information into the system. Many of the social networking sites built around medical conditions are patient specific and allow individuals to share unstructured information about health outcomes.
He used for the frst time a radioactive isotope in the treatment of a human disease (leukemia) cholesterol test triglyceride levels purchase lipitor 5mg on line. John Lawrence became known as the father of nuclear medicine and Donner laboratory is considered the birthplace of this feld cholesterol test results 4.5 order lipitor 40mg with visa. Hal Anger (also a Donner man) invented in John Lawrence Hal Anger 1958 the gamma-camera also called Anger (1904 1991) (1920 2005) camera natural cholesterol lowering foods or herbs order lipitor 5 mg on line. This is also called Anger camera and consisted of a large fat scintilla- tion crystal and a number of photomultipliers. They used I-131 labeled insulin to measure the reaction between an antigen and antibody. David Kuhl 193 Some of the isotopes used in nuclear medicine The use of radioactive isotopes in research and medicine can be divided in three groups. Isotopes used as tracers A radioactive isotope attached to an important molecule can tell where it is. Isotopes emitting g-rays are easily observed, but also pure b-emitters like H 3 (tritium) and C 14 can be used. Thus, Melvin Calvin used C 14 to the exploration of photosynthetic carbon dioxide reduction. The Hershey Chase experiment A very well known experiment with radioactive tracers was the Hershey Chase experiment from 1952. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase used the isotopes P 32 (b-emitter with half-life 14 days) and S 35 (b-emitter with half-life 87 days). Alfred Hershey (1908 1997) was the principal investiga- Numerous experiments within bio- tor, whereas Martha Chase (1927 2003) was the lab. Isotopes in radiation therapy In radiation therapy the purpose is to irradiate cancer cells to death and let the normal cells survive. Radium (Ra 226) was used from the beginning, both for teletherapy and as im- plants in brachytherapy. Attached to compounds (monoclonal antibodies) the isotope can be transported to the the cancer cells. Isotopes for diagnostic purposes Several isotopes emitting g-rays can, and have been used for diagnostic purposes. For example, I 131 will be accumulated in the thyroid and can via a gamma camera give information about sicknesses in the thyroid. We have pointed out before that the isotope most often used for medical information is Tc 99m. Thus, after the b-particle emission the newly formed technetium isotope is in a socalled meta- stable state. If we could isolate this metastable isotope it would be perfect for medical use, since the isotope would only emit a g-photon with no contamination from b-particles. Decay scheme for Mo-99 Mo 99 67 h The decay of Mo 99 results in a metastable nucleus de- noted Tc 99m. By emitting a g- photon it ends up in Tc 99 which is radioactive with a Tc 99 halfife of 213 000 years. The compound is rinsed with physi- ological saline, and the Tc-99m that has been formed follows the water it is like milking.
Control over the production side of the medical complex can work towards better health only if it leads to at least a very sizable reduction of its total output cholesterol in guinea eggs buy lipitor 40 mg visa, rather than simply to technical improvements in the wares that are offered cholesterol kit cvs purchase lipitor visa. Equal Access to Torts The most common and obvious political issue related to health is based on the charge that access to medical care is inequitable cholesterol levels seafood chart buy lipitor in india, that it favors the rich over the poor,53 the influential over the powerless. While the level of medical services rendered to the members of technical elites does not vary significantly from one country to another, say from Sweden and Czechoslovakia to Indonesia and Senegal, the value of the services rendered to the typical citizen in different countries varies by factors exceeding the proportion of one to one thousand. For these and similar reasons, political parties convert the desire for health into demands for equal access to medical facilities. In all of Latin America, except Cuba, only one child in forty from the poorest fifth of the population finishes the five years of compulsory schooling;59 a similar proportion of the poor can expect hospital treatment if they become seriously ill. In Venezuela, one day in a hospital costs ten times the average daily income; in Bolivia, about forty times the average daily income. Most of the physicians, who come from the same social class as their patients, were trained to international standards on government grants. This fortunate group is made up of government employees who receive truly equal treatment, whether they are ministers or office boys, and can count on high-quality care because they are part of a demonstration model. The newspapers, accordingly, inform the schoolmaster in a remote village that Mexican surgery is as well endowed as its counterpart in Chicago and that the surgeons who operate on him measure up to the standards of their colleagues in Houston. When high-level officials are hospitalized, they may be annoyed because for the first time in their lives they have to share a hospital room with a workman, but they are also proud of the high level of socialist commitment their nation shows in providing the same for boss and custodian. Both kinds of patient tend to overlook the fact that they are equally privileged exploiters. Providing the 3 percent with beds, equipment, administration, and technical care takes one-third of the public-health-care budget of the entire country. To be able to afford to give all of the poor equal access to medicine of uniform quality in poor countries, most of the present training and activity of the health professions would have to be discontinued. If priority were given to equity in poor countries and service limited to the basics of effective medicine, entire populations would be encouraged to share in the demedicalization of modern health care and to develop the skills and confidence for self-care, thus protecting their countries from social iatrogenic disease. Or does it require that the poor get the same "education" although more will have to be spent on their account to achieve equal results? Or must the educational system, in order to be equitable, assure that the poor are not humiliated and hurt more than the rich with whom they compete on the academic ladder? Or is equity in learning opportunities provided only when all citizens share the same kind of learning environment? This battle of equity versus equality in the access to institutional care, already being waged in education, is now shaping up in the medical field. The per capita expenditure on health care, even for the poorest sector within the United States population, indicates that the base line at which such care turns iatrogenic has long since been passed. In rich countries, the total budget of services for the poor, if used for that which reinforces self-care, is more than ample. More access, even though restricted to those who now receive less, would only equalize the delivery of professional illusions and torts. Above all, health designates the range of autonomy within which a person exercises control over his own biological states and over the conditions of his immediate environment. Primarily the law ought to guarantee the equitable distribution of health as freedom, which, in turn, depends on environmental conditions that only organized political efforts can achieve. Beyond a certain level of intensity, health care, however equitably distributed, will smother health-as-freedom. Implicit in this concept is a preferred position of inalienable freedoms to do certain things, and here civil liberty must be distinguished from civil rights. The liberty to act without restraint from government has a wider scope than the civil rights the state may enact to guarantee that people will have equal powers to obtain certain goods or services.
The method is label-free and can be applied to basically any human or animal provides unique features for the analysis of tissues cholesterol medication over the counter discount lipitor uk, tissue cholesterol never sleeps 10mg lipitor. Common to all is the generation of charged matrices cholesterol particle size buy lipitor 40mg, they require sensitive, high resolving mass sample fragments that can be analysed by the mass spectrometers with high dynamic range able to han- analyser. Top left: principle of an electro-scalpel in combination with an Venturi-pump inlet system for mass spectrometric analysis of vaporised tissue (reprinted with permission from Anal. Bottom left: the device in operation during surgery (fgure credit: Imperial College London). Right: mass spectra of a cancerous (top) and a healthy (bottom) human bladder tissue show different characteristic patterns (reproduced from Faraday Discuss. Left: single-pixel mass spectrum of the outer stripe outer medulla; each pixel has an area of about 1/1000 square-millimetre. The green label indicates the mass peak that is characteristic for imatinib (m/z=494. Right: imaging mass spectrometry yields the distribution of different substances in the mouse kidney. The green arrow points to the imatinib distribution, which is concentrated in the outer stripe outer medulla (fgures reprinted from ref. It also Very appealing is the potential of mass spectrom- allows identifcation of metastases of various cancer etry for histology. Typical histological analyses take types and to distinguish the original cancer from several hours. The knife collects some smoke, sucks However, such samples are invariably complex and it into the mass spectrometer and performs an a single tissue section contains a large variety of instant mass spectrometric analysis. The obtained chemical species ranging from salts, amino acids mass spectra exhibit diferent lipid profles, which and lipids, to peptides and proteins. Terefore, the are analysed by multi-dimensional principal com- use of several diferent methods, each optimised for ponent analysis. A good example is tissue with pharmaceuticals and personal care products samples of the brain, which are ideally suited for are of increasing concern and represent a threat to mass spectrometry analyses, since many of the rele- wildlife and humans, vant neuro-transmitters are either peptides or small detection and identifcation of food contaminants: molecules. Each method tions or food-packaging migrants, that need to be was carried out on the same tissue slice of a mouse identifed and quantifed, and brain. The combination of information from each security: the possibility of deployment of biologi- method provides a unique, complementary perspec- cal weapons by terrorists is an existing threat and tive by allowing analysis with each technique. Tese developments are a living example of feld deployment and use in many daily circum- how mass spectrometry methods and instruments, stances. In the past, this evolution has largely ben- and in general experts in technology for nuclear efted from technologies developed and tested in the detection. Tere are many examples of research- experimental nuclear physics battleground, and it ers trained in nuclear physics groups doing basic seems that this trend will only increase in the future. In the nuclear imaging the active groups are typically in academia where arena, though, trends and technologies are being they can fnd the resources and knowledge to imple- introduced, tested and dismissed at high speed. One ment and develop the most highly sophisticated can assess this by attending every year the leading molecular imaging technologies available today. We have also noticed that advances in instrumen- References tation for medical imaging should be accompanied by corresponding advances in image reconstruction [1] Bauer, J.
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