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By: D. Cronos, M.A., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Duke University School of Medicine
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A premature stimulus (S2) blocks in the left- sided bypass tract and conducts over a right lateral bypass tract arthritis relief cream with celadrin order 400mg plaquenil with amex, initiating an atrial echo over the left lateral bypass tract treating arthritis of the hands purchase 200 mg plaquenil otc. This echo initiates orthodromic tachycardia with conduction antegradely over the normal conducting system and retrograde conduction over both the left lateral and right-sided bypass tracts arthritis in feet pictures 400 mg plaquenil for sale. The fact that the right- sided bypass tract is used is suggested by the difference in retrograde atrial activation when conduction proceeds solely over the left-sided bypass tract following antegrade conduction over the right-sided bypass tract (arrow) in the last three complexes. The earlier activation at this site suggests two retrograde atrial breakthrough sites and two bypass tracts. Fusion is seen in the second and seventh complexes, and total preexcitation over the anterior paraseptal bypass tract is seen in the fourth through sixth complexes. Note the difference in V-A intervals associated with different H-V intervals with various degrees of fusion. The change in V- A intervals is due to the relative activation of the ventricles over the bypass tract and the time that the normal conducting system activates the ventricles. Patients with multiple bypass tracts have been associated with a higher incidence of ventricular fibrillation according to some investigators, a higher incidence of preexcited tachycardias, and clearly, more complicated anatomy for catheter-based or surgical ablation. Thus, it is imperative that one make every effort to detect their presence during electrophysiologic studies. In the presence of multiple bypass tracts the complexity and number of the potential tachycardia circuits is large (Fig. If one considers the fact that a given patient may have more than two A-V bypass tracts (20% of our patients with multiple bypass have three or more tracts), enhanced A-V nodal conduction, P. In nearly 10% of patients with preexcitation, A-V nodal reentry is present, and in some it is the only arrhythmia (Fig. During the preexcited tachycardia, anterograde conduction occurs over a left lateral bypass tract, and retrograde conduction occurs over a second slowly conducting posterior paraseptal bypass tract. A ventricular stimulus delivered when the His is refractory preexcites the atrium with a shorter V-A interval than during the first three complexes; thus, producing a paradoxical premature capture. This earlier retrograde atrial activation sequence results in subsequent delay of antegrade conduction through the A-V node. This delay allows for retrograde activation over a left lateral bypass tract to be manifested. This left lateral bypass tract was previously concealed by antegrade penetration into it by atrial activation that initiated over the right anterior bypass tract. Schematically shown are six potential mechanisms of arrhythmias with two functioning atrioventricular bypass tracts. Atriald extrastimuli only induced typical A-V nodal tachycardia; orthodromic tachycardia was never observed. Although the authors initially ascribed this syndrome to the presence of an A-V nodal bypass tract, the pathophysiologic basis and clinical significance of the syndrome was clarified in the 1980s through the use of intracardiac recordings and programmed stimulation. A short P-R interval may have many mechanisms including a variant of normal, enhanced sympathetic tone, an anatomically small A-V node, ectopic atrial rhythm with differential input into the A-V node, or isoarrhythmic A-V dissociation. The syndrome, as initially described, requires the presence of paroxysmal arrhythmias in addition to the short P-R interval. Most investigators believe that enhanced A-V nodal conduction (perhaps using 13 14 135 136 137 138 139 140 specialized intranodal fibers) is responsible for the majority of cases , , , , , , , while a minority 3 5 139 140 141 are associated with atrio-His connections. In the latter instance, atrial flutter and fibrillation with rapid ventricular responses are the clinical problem. Controversy still exists concerning the functional significance and the anatomic existence of the posterior intranodal tracts 9 described by James, which are the third possibility. Although there is no anatomic correlate of a specialized intranodal pathway, the complex structure of the A-V node, with areas of tightly packed, longitudinally arranged transitional fibers on the periphery of the node, and a lattice network of more loosely connected fibers around densely packed nodal tissue can provide an anatomic substrate for relatively fast and relatively slow conduction. Electrophysiologic Properties The hallmark of patients with the so-called Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome is enhanced or accelerated A-V conduction, which more than 90% of the time is due to accelerated conduction through the A-V 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 node.
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